Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The right path....

I've been very busy the last couple of weeks getting ready for my sons college Graduation Party. This morning I decided to get the dogs and myself out for a hike nice and early. Once we were out there....I knew it was the right decision, it's always the best part of my day. Being in nature seems to take away all of my stress and fills me back up like nothing else I can do with only a little time available. I followed my heart and decided to add another trail loop to our little hike and I was handsomely rewarded with not one...but TWO bears....and best of all...a perfect recall from my bear chasing Petey! I've seen these bears before, I think they are about 2.5 years old now. We came around a bend and there they were. I don't think the bears were able to hear us coming because after two days of rain, it is quite windy out this morning It made my day to see the bears, to share their woods with them is an honor, one that I never take for granted. I feel that seeing them is a gift, to have intact ecosystems to hike in so close to home makes me feel like I've won the lottery every day of my life.

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