Sunday, May 22, 2011

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wildlife 'rarely needs our help’ Letter to the editor

Spring is upon us once again. It is the time of year that wildlife rehabilitators phones begin to ring off the hook.

With the beautiful weather, more people are out and about in their yards and parks then at any other time of the year. During your travels many of you will come across wild baby animals and fledged birds (babies with feathers who can hop on the ground) that appear to be abandoned and wonder what you should do.

They look so helpless that they bring out our compassionate nature to want to help them. Most baby animals and birds are not abandoned, their parents are usually hiding nearby. The parents will not come out of cover if humans are near, instinct tells them it would put their young in immediate danger with a predator.

This period of time in a baby animals life is the most crucial, it’s their time for education. They rarely need our help.

When we intervene, only thinking we are helping, we lessen their chances of making it to adulthood. Baby animals belong in the wild with their parents who best know how to teach them to survive on their own, not with a human.

Please try not to interfere unless you know for sure that the parents are dead or have another reason to believe that the baby is abandoned.

If you are worried about your cat or dog hurting the baby, see if you can keep your pets away for a few days.

If you want to read more about what babies may need rescuing go to: .

If you need a rehabilitator go to:

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you for helping to keep our precious wildlife wild and free as they are meant to be.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Red Squirrel

Today up at the lake there were lots of Warblers. It has been raining buckets most of today. This little red squirrel decided to use our patio furniture to dine on. Notable birds this week in the yard, White Crowned Sparrow and Brown Thrasher.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spotted goes free

Today I released the Spotted Rehab. It was good to see him go free. I hope he has a long healthy life. I enjoyed having him here for the last 6 months.

Monday, May 9, 2011

My new bench

I went out birding this morning and finally saw a gorgeous Scarlet Tanager. He is the one I heard a couple of days ago but couldn't locate, he is setting up territory where I take the dogs every day, so I will get to see him all Summer. Lots of migrants still out there! I may go out again later if I can manage to get my chores done. Here is my beautiful new bench that my wonderful hubby built for me as a Mothers Day gift. Perfect for sitting and watching the pond.

I'm feeling extremely blessed right now....I have all that I need. I'm living in the moment and I'm really enjoying my life.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers Day to me!!!

My wonderful sons took me up to the Bashakill We are at the peak of the bird migration here in NY. Lots of birds and so wonderful to have the air so full of their songs again. Most notable bird today for me was a N.Parula. The Eagles are also nesting on the Kill again and we could see the lone chick in the nest. GORGEOUS day with 3 of my men. Lots of flowers cards, a beautiful handmade ceder bench from my hubby, and Lobster dinner....what more could I ask for??

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Letting go...

I've recently started working a program for Codependents. The addict in my life appears to be staying off of drugs and sober for the very first time in his life. While I'm very happy about this turn of events, I'm not ready to allow him back into my life. Someone who means the world to me said I was holding a grudge for not wanting to talk to him...I thought to myself ~ WOW...they need a meeting. Their words felt like a smack in the face. I spent two days upset and thinking about what they had said to me, trying to rationalize why would I want the pain and drama that comes with addiction back in my life right now. This addict is not working the 12 steps, I know this because, step 8 & 9 have not been taken with me personally. For me, that means they are in the very early process of getting well. I decided....I needed to get my own help, I don't have to worry about what anyone thinks. I need worry about myself. I need to do what is right for me for once. I think that I'm finally *getting it.* It's not about the addict, it's about me. I've always been the one to do the right thing, to try and make everyone get along and I also take care of everyone before myself. Where I left off with caring for 4 young children, I picked up with caring for needy dogs. I feel guilty if I don't take care of their needs before mine. The program is helping me to see...I've been thinking and acting completely wrong my entire adult life. That will be changing! This week the neotropical birds are flooding into our area, I was not getting any birding time having to leash walk both the dogs, not easy to hold two retractable leashes with a 190#s of Dobermans at the end of them, and a pair of Bins steady. Today after taking the boyz for their loop and being very frustrated at not being able to see all the birds I could hear, I decided to drop them off at home, and go out into the Co. Park....ALONE! It was just what I needed to clear my head. Spending time in nature completely wrapped up in the moment is the best way for me to get back in touch with myself. Three hours passed like the blink of an eye. I came home feeling like a million bucks. I know now that I need more alone time, everyone in my life will benefit if I'm not feeling so frazzled.

Today's birding was outstanding! Having so many gorgeous birds all out at the same time makes you feel as though you are birding in another country. Highlights for me were Blue-wing and Worm Eating Warbler. Every expected species has returned in great numbers.