Sunday, May 6, 2012

Taking life for granted

Jack in the pulpit

Vernal Pool


Pinks...dads favorite
Today while out hiking and birding I realized just how much I've taken for granted in my life.  I am having some issues with my ears and hearing.  After tests, the doctor had no answers for me, I guess what I'm experiencing is pretty common.  I'm hoping the issues fade away and they might, or they might not, they will get worse as time goes on.  I've never protected my hearing....never even thought about it. Today has me really thinking about my hearing,  the forest was full of amazing bird song , trees that once were bare are fully leaved with lots of insects now have the trees full of our spring migrants. All busy feeding and calling.   I never thought about how much I use my ears to locate a bird, to identify a bird.  How much I'd miss if I lost my hearing.   Having a strong healthy body is our greatest gift in this life, with out it....we will eventually have nothing.  When we are young our bodies are very forgiving of what we do to them, but as we age that is no longer true.  All our sins of the past begin to show as we age.  We think that we will always be young and then suddenly you are in middle age, finding your body falling apart and thinking to will I ever grow old if I continue to age this quickly.  I am going to do everything in my power to turn back my clock, I'm not going to age gracefully....I'm going to get moving and take good care of me from here on out, I want to be kick ass strong as I age, not a frail old lady. This is a promise I make to me! 

GORGEOUS DAY!  Migrants all over the place!  Started my morning with a flock of Yellow-rumped right outside my window.  Sipping coffee and birding...what a start to the day!

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