Monday, September 24, 2012

Fall Equinox

Fall is once again upon us.  I have been spending a lot of time up at the Hawk Watch enjoying each and every moment.  The sight of a migrating raptor still thrills me, just as it did 20 something years ago when I first set foot up on the mt and witnessed my first Broadwing flight.  The trees are beginning to turn, and I think it's going to end up a stellar leaf season.  We weren't able to celebrate the Equinox the way I wanted to. due to other obligations, but I did mark it and I'm hopeful we can do a Bon-Fire at the Tipi next weekend.  With Fall we turn inwards and it's coming just as we finish closing the business and start our new lives.  My goal over the next couple of months is to truly *Simplify* my life.  I want to down size my possessions and take good care of what I choose to keep so they last a good long time.  My plans also include a huge clean out off all the junk we have collected over 23 years of living in our home.  I'm looking forward to the feeling of freedom that I know will come after cleaning out my life.  If I could encourage anything in my kids it would be to keep your lives simple, do the things you love and get rid of the rest.  Don't spend money you don't have, and learn the difference between wants and needs. True freedom is available to us all if we listen to our hearts and fill our lives with what is important to each of us, instead of looking at what everyone else is doing.  We are unique and should celebrate ourselves. 

 "Go with the flow in Nature and find your path to success and happiness now."

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