Monday, April 13, 2015

Hawks flying!

I heard from a friend today that the Hawks were migrating in good numbers.  I was unable to get out to the watch because we were returning from the trip to PA to take my oldest son to his meeting place for his Peace Corp assignment to Namibia Africa.  I'm so proud of my son, we are going to miss him so much.  27 months of service.  We went for an evening hike and came upon our first toad of the season, he had some dried mud on him, I think he was just up from hibernation.  We are expecting rain tonight, I expect to see lots of toads out in the ponds tomorrow.  As we were leaving the park I told hubby I was expecting the pair of Coopers Hawks to be returning to their nest....and there they were, roosting fairly close to their nest location!  Awesome end to hard day. 

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