Saturday, July 24, 2010

Who I want to be

I keep this picture on my bedside table. It helps remind me who I want remain. It's me at eleven years old. I was still unspoiled by the world, but not completely naive to the pain of life. I didn't care about my weight, my hair, or what other people thought of me. I was nice to everyone and had a huge heart. Being out in nature and spending time with animals was my life. The bird I'm holding was my first successful Rehab. His name was Brat and he was a Starling that I was given by a neighbor, as a tiny naked hatchling. He survived and was released with a flock of Starlings. Behind me is my tent that I saved up green stamps for a year or more. On the stump are starfish from t he beach drying. The world seemed so full of possibilities, so exciting, each day a gift with something new and wonderful to discover.

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