Wednesday, April 10, 2013

As Dad would say *It's a done deal!*

There was a little rain last night, evidently just enough that the Spotted Salamanders laid their eggs and went back to the forest.  I had the most magical of magical walks this morning.  There was a light breeze, warm temperature, the songs of the Water Thrush and E. Phoebe filling the air, the croaks of wood frogs and spring peepers.  I laid down in one of my favorite spots and just listened, and absorbed every moment.  I've tried meditation, I just can't get into it, grounding in nature fills me to the brim so much quicker.  Being so close to nature makes me look deep in side and ask the question, what is it I really want?  It's only in the stillness that I can hear the answers.  I want to spend more time each day immersed in nature,  I want to help native local turtles, I want to take good care of my hubby, sons and mom oh and myself...of cause I'm on the bottom of the list, that's why I have so many issues.  LOL  That's it.   If I could live my life over I'd for sure pursued a wildlife biology degree and become a Herpetologist specializing in Wood Turtles.  It's too late for that, so I will continue to do citizen scientist volunteer work.  Maybe before we start building the cabin I will get to spend a week up on Hog Island at adult summer camp, is it too late for me to give myself a better childhood? 

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