Saturday, February 21, 2015

Can I just say....

I love Winter.  I really really love our Winter!  I know it's not always pleasant or comfortable, but I love it, each and every moment of Winter.  The cold, the snow, the grey sunless skies, the winter birds, the leafless trees, the quiet seemly empty forests, it's all so precious.  If I disliked Winter I would literately hate 1/4 of my life. Winter is my reality.  I choose to embrase it and look for all the best it has to offer.  This weeks blessing was a trip up to Frost Valley. Beautiful place where my oldest son has worked at multiple times over the last five years.  Wonderful to spend some time with him and meet all his coworkers.  It was ~13 last night and this morning we did a blissful snowshoe walk in 1 degree temps.  Awesome! 

You can't see beauty like this sitting in your warm house.  You have to get out there.  Life is happening now.  Do it! 

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