Saturday, September 5, 2015


It's easy to feel down and overwhelmed when dealing with Lyme.  I was feeling sooooo good and now the Herxing has started again.  A change in medications this week has started the process again.  I was hoping it was over with!  Not yet, I am on an really good herbal prep and it is working.  What did my mom always say and still says....what doesn't kill you makes you stronger???  Grrrrr  One foot in front of the other....keep a good positive attitude, DO NOT under any circumstances allow any negative thoughts enter my mind.  STOP Reading so much crap online!  Trust the process no matter how much pain it's causing.  Eat healthy, get sun, exercise enough to sweat, do nature time, drink tons and tons of water, take your meds, vitamins and drink your green smoothies, which I really really love now!  You got this!!!! 

1 comment:

ScreaminMama said...

Yes you do!!! Positive thoughts ONLY!!! But you have always been so positive... as long as I can remember you!!!! You got this!!