Sunday, March 11, 2012


Tonight I spent some time online looking at Life is Good T-shirts. The simple images on the t-shirts remind me of the life I originally wanted for myself some thirty years ago. Hubby and I started out on a path in our marriage wanting a simple life full of time out in nature. We had plans to backpack and hike all over the country for vacations. Some how after we became parents we got off track and ended up in another world full of too much stuff. Our daily lives have gotten far too complicated. We are now on a path to get back to our original dream. Time is slipping away from us at a rapid rate and before we know it, we are going to be too old to live this old dream of ours. I'm on a quest to SIMPLIFY my life. I plan on cleaning out and down sizing everything I own. The only way to get back to basics is to clear the clutter. I'm done buying anything except essentials. I am personally on a spending freeze. Life is good, but soon it's going to be great!

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