Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Flock of Grackels

You never know when you set forth for a hike what special moment you might encounter that day. That anticipation of seeing something awesome while out in nature is what keeps me going out there every day of the year. Today's little sweet sighting was a flock of about 2000 or so Grackles.  We came out of the trail next to the river and the noisy flock all landed on both sides of the river and on the rocks in the river and proceeded to bath and drink thirstily.  I stopped for a moment and just took them all in.  Other notables out on the hike were two Pilated Woodpeckers.  I keep finding more Bald-faced Hornets nests all over the place, most are too high.  I don't know if this was a banner year for them or if I'm just seeing more because I'm so tuned into them. 

My backyard habitat continues to be a huge source of joy to me.  Today's blessing were the Robins and Cedar Waxwings who spent most of their day here, eating and also bathing in my pond.  What fun to look out the window and watch their antics. 

 Have you ever seen anything cuter? 

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