Monday, October 26, 2015

PA visit

This morning was my PA visit.  I had a delightful 45 minute drive with gorgeous scenery, the leaves are all peaking. The colors are magnificent,  I was in awe the entire drive.  I'm doing really well.  Since my Lyme Journey began I've lost 20 pounds!  It was over a 4 month span of time and I ate tons of fat and high quality meat, so I lost only body fat.  I'm back to a weight I haven't seen in decades.  My blood pressure is now down to 110/70. It had been slowly creeping up the last 10 years. It started in the 140s/90.  I'm still struggling with lots of Lyme symptoms, but none so severe that they are keeping me from living life.  They are nagging and remind me that I still have Lyme disease.  My PA assured me that symptoms I'm still having are completely normal and will over the next few months begin to subside. No more being a hero, take the OTCs when needed.  The stress I am putting myself through and not getting any relief when symptoms are bad isn't good for me either.  I am to stick 1000% to the diet she has me on and continue to take the Herbal Antibiotic for another 4 months and longer if symptoms persist. No sugar or carbs other then the little bit of cheating I've been doing since vacation, must STOP.  I can add some healthy carbs like sweet potatoes back into my diet in another 4 months, and only if I have no symptoms.  She praised me once again, I've been a model patient, and no further visits are needed unless I get sicker.  We can get well by using food and nature.   

1 comment:

ScreaminMama said...

This is AMAZING news!!!! No sugar... it's bad for all of us. You can do this!!! You are such an inspiration!!! xox