Although I never caught the *Big Night* this year, today I had a big day of sorts. I've been keeping a eye on the puddles where dozens of Spotted Salamanders laid their eggs this year. It became apparent over the last couple of days that the puddles were going to end up completely drying up well before the eggs hatched. I decided this morning to head up to the the puddles, with a backpack and several gallon size zip-loc bags. Last weekend I found a spot that I had decided to move the eggs to, so they have a fighting chance at hatching and some day ensuring that there will be more *Big Nights* in my lifetime. Some don't agree with tampering with nature, but in this day and age with so much habitat being decimated and few people who really care to try and help, the creatures of our earth don't have much chance of surviving long enough for my future grandchildren to enjoy seeing them. Reptiles and Amphibians have the least chance of any protection as they aren't cute and cuddly like mammals. I have a soft spot in my heart for all the slimy, scaley creatures that roam this beautiful earth...they are my favorite animals. I gathered a total of about 2 gallons of egg masses from 4 different puddles and carried them to the top of the mountain and put them in an old beaver pond where there are other spotted Salamander eggs. I plan on checking on them for the next few they will hatch pretty quickly now. I will share pictures of the larva when they hatch.
Today during our adventure my Petey enjoyed a nice swim in the old beaver pond, and he had a blast running on the trails during our hike. Notable birds this week: N. Waterthrush, Broadwing Hawks, Ruby Crowned Kinglets, a few Pine Siskins, chipping Sparrows. Black Flies are hatched....lots of warbler food...let the warbling begin! Best part of Spring!
Best sighting of the week, Thursday night the 16th after a wonderful hike up in Cascade Lake on the way out of Cascade Road, there was a 300# bear on the side of the road. We were able to stop the car and watch him slowly meander across a backyard. Gorgeous animal. Seeing one always makes my heart pound, so exciting each time.
1 comment:
we once found a salamander in our basement.. it was november and it was cold outside, so i REFUSED to throw him outside. We used an old fish tank, bought him a little pondy thing, and a rock cave thing to hide out in as he was half hiberating. I wasn't sure what he ate... so i threw a few bugs in there and some fruit.
He just slept all winter in that thing, I moistened it daily and changed his fruit ( which he never touched).
I was sure that he was dead.. but in the spring, I placed him carefully near our pond..a few minutes later he was gone.
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