Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Letter to the Editor

Once again it is that time of year when wild animals give birth and hatch their young. Soon the young wild creatures will begin to venture out into the world on shaky legs and fragile wings. Every year the lives of many innocent wild babies are upset by people who only mean to help them. They take babies from the wild in a mistaken attempt to save them, thinking that they are abandoned or orphaned. When in fact the would-be rescuers are harming the young animals chance of ever becoming a normal adult. Those early unsteady steps and flights are part of normal development, helping young animals learn to take care of themselves. People assume that the young are abandoned when in fact the mother is usually close by keeping an eye on them. Please watch from a far and only help an animal if you are positive that the mother is dead. If you do end up taking a wild animal please contact a Licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator and give the animal a chance at someday being returned to the wild as is it's birth right. It is illegal to process wildlife in the state of New York with out a license. You can find a list of Rehabilitators on the NY State Wildlife Rehabilitation Councils site, they can answer your questions or take in animals that truly need our help. http://www.nyswrc.org/counties.htm

One last word of advise, before you mow your lawn, walk around your property and check that there aren't any reptiles, baby animals, rabbit nests, fawns or baby birds hiding in your grass. If you see a baby animal or find a nest, maybe don't mow that section until they have moved on.

I thank you and so do the innocent young lives you help save and keep wild.

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