I've had dogs in my life since birth. They have always been treated well,lived as members of our family. All of my own personal dogs have been what others consider spoiled, I've never considered any of them spoiled, its the least I could do for their wonderful companionship. It wasn't until my Petey's diagnosis with Dialated Cardiomyopathy that I began to question what constitutes a true quality life for my canine companions. It is a question that everyone who has a dog should be asking themselves. It is up to you to give them the best life possible. Unless there is a miracle Petey will not grow old. It is up to me to fill his days with great experiences that make what ever time he has left, wonderful. I also need to make sure he has a great life for my own good too. I don't want to lose him and have any regrets that I should have, could have. In all honesty, each of us only has today. We have no guarantees that there will be a tomorrow. Knowing that Petey is sick has made me look at his days and ask myself...what else does he need? What would make this day more special? We miss very few opportunities to get outside and hike, because that is what Petey seems to love best. Most days we change the trails we go on, so that there is more variety, more to see and smell. I feed raw, and love to give him new meats, bones, and raw treats. Every time I have an errand to run, I bring him with me. When I book a vacation, we get houses that dogs are allowed, and while there, find hiking trails to explore each day. He has comfortable beds and baskets full of all kinds of toys. The best change that I've made in Petey's life is taking him to work with me. He loves it. On work days he immediately knows we are going. He sees me ready his bag and water and his excitement builds. Once in work, he immediately wants to go out of the office building and into our garage to get one of his Pig Ear treats. I unlock the garage, Petey runs in, goes up the stairs, rummages through the box, pulls out an ear, runs back down the stairs and heads back to the office. He settles on his bed and eats his treat. After finishing, he spends most of his day sleeping, only getting up to greet different people who come in the office just to say hello to him. I love looking down and seeing him laying next to me. I saves me from worrying about him. It is amazing how much more relaxed Petey is all the time now that I rarely leave him. Being a Doberman, his life work is to be the constant companion to a human, to protect them. He takes his job seriously and wants to be with me 24/7 no matter where I go or what I am doing. Although knowing about his disease has been heartbreaking for me, I am happy that I have a chance to make his life incredible and at the same time....enjoy my own life so much more. My puppy Monty has really benefited, every day is a new adventure for him. New smells, tastes, experiences and lots of fun!
1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you is likely to be painful.
2. Give me time to understand what you want of me. Train me.
3. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being. Believe in me, I will do what you want.
4. Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, your entertainment, but I have only you.
5. Talk to me. Even if I don't understand your words, I do understand your voice when speaking to me.
6. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it.
7. Before you hit me, before you strike me, remember that I could hurt you, and yet, I choose not to bite you.
8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food, I have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old or weak.
9. Please take care of me when I grow old. You too, will grow old.
10 On the ultimate difficult journey, go with me please. Never say you can't bear to watch. Don't make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there, because I love you so.
~Take a moment today to be thankful for your dog(s). Enjoy and take good care of them. Life would be a much duller, less joyful experience without them by your side.
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