Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy Spring!

I decided to take a quick ride past a birding spot on my way home from my hike, and this was the surprise waiting for me on that road.  Never question your inner voice.  I found her crossing the road, and was able to get the on coming car to stop and not hit her.  She was safely crossed to the wetlands.  Look at the intelligence and trust in this beautiful girls eyes. She has been around a really long time, she is a mature female, the largest I've ever seen.  What a start to my reptile Spring already!
First Garter snake down by the water where I put the spotted.

Went to the tipi and laid looking up at the sky, thanking the universe for my incredible life. I have been trapped by all the wrong things for a long time. In the last few days I feel as though my world is coming back into focus. I'm feeling a sense of joy that I haven't felt in a very long time. Nature = God for me. I need to get up and out there as often as I possibly can.

It's been an amazing day so far! Happy first day of Spring, it came in at 1:14am. Today is also my youngest sons 18th Birthday. I can't believe that 18 years ago I gave birth to my fourth and final child. He is a total blessing, whom I completely adore. My intense parenting duties almost finished I am now free to spend my time as I like.  Today I spent many hours hiking and opening my senses back up to the natural world. I was hyper aware today, all senses working at top speed. Monty and I were able to walk up on a flock of 25 turkeys feeding in down in a gully. We watched them for quite a long time before one spotted us. I'm hoping to head out again later to enjoy this amazing day. 

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