Friday, December 14, 2012

Another Birthday

I have lots to be deeply, eternally, grateful for this past year. Today 20 little kids were murdered in their classroom at school. They were kindergartners. A tragedy beyond belief. Those of us with children are hugging them very tightly tonight. I am so thankful for my 4 sons, and my amazing hubby. My life is perfect just as it is TODAY. We only have the moment and everything can change forever is just a heartbeat. No taking for granted anything. As a gift to myself for the coming year,and the rest of my life, is to FINALLY stop eating foods that make me sick. I know what foods to avoid, and yet I can't help myself sometimes and then feel like crap for days. There is no time like a birthday to start a new year to implement a new life style. I know what to eat, and this year as I enter the new phase in my's time! JUST DO IT! Paleo/Primal welcome to my world 1000% of the time. Happy Birthday to me.

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