Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Kamana One

So today I finally pulled out the Kamana One Naturalist Class,  CD #1 and the workbook.  Why did I wait so long?   Maybe it was meant to be that I saved it until now, as I finish up Chemotherapy over the next 5 weeks, it will keep me super busy and engaged.   The course is so interesting and I'm already learning a lot after just listening to CD #1.  Such a different way to study nature. It engages every one of your senses, instead of just learning all you can about the nature in the area you live.  I started a handwritten journal as it suggested.  It's good to constantly notice what is going on right outside your window and write it down several times each day.  I have all the time in the world right now, so it's a perfect thing for me to be doing.  The class already has me living in the moment and noticing everything around me.  CD#1 tells you of the importance of the sit spot. It is considered to be the best learning tool of anything you can do to become more intimately connected with nature. I can't wait to continue tomorrow!   

1 comment:

ScreaminMama said...

You are, without a doubt, my biggest inspiration xox