Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Personal Discovery

I love going out into nature alone, except for my dog. The silence that I find out there alone clears my busy head. It is a time that I can think deeply about my life, and think about myself instead of about my family and the many obligations that comes with having such a large busy family. I have come to regard nature time as ME time, nonnegotiable and necessary to remain sane in this often crazy world of mine. Today I was thinking about how hard it is for me to stick to a diet exercise routine for very long. I realized it is because, I'm trying to do what works for others! I need to find the approach to whole living that works for ME for the long haul. I want to get off the diet mentality I've had for the last couple of decades and just eat what I should and work out for what my body needs. I can't stand routines, I can't stand being ridged in any way shape or form. I had this light bulb moment while I was thinking about how I approach dog training, how much I can't stand strict obedience training. All of my dogs of the past were NOT trained very well. They worked out well with in my life, no real problems, and all were good dogs, but I always wished for a better trained dog, and I just didn't have it in me to stick to training day in and out. Now with Petey, I have to work on training, because he is a much smarter dog then I've ever owned before, and he needs clear rules, and leadership. He pushed me to learn a way of living his daily training and keeping it fun for us both! Now I want to find out how to apply that same approach to eating better and doing at least some exercise in my second century so I can have a healthy body if I am one of the few that gets another fifty years! The Paleo way of life seems the way to go for me, being able to eat all I want of natural unprocessed foods, continue with hikes and just add some weight training....when I feel like it! I can live with this approach for the long haul, I won't see results overnight, but in a couple of months I should. Despite being deep in thought, Petey and I had a nice hike, very cloudy, 28degrees and no wind. No birds either! There was someone on the pond at Cascade Lake, Ice Fishing and another hiker came by with his dog.

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