If you spend enough time looking out your windows every so often you get rewarded with a rare bird. Today was my turn...beautiful Male Common Redpoll. The last one I can remember having at a feeder was back in 1986, at our house on the Ramapo River in Tuxedo. Nice surprise having a visitor who resides far North of us. Spring is in the air for those of us who bird!
The weather is very warm for the last couple of days. We were in Vermont at Stratton Mountain for the end of this past week. Hubby and I got out for a fun snowshoe on Friday. Beautiful woods full of birch trees, and about a foot and a half of snow on the ground. During our outing we made a wrong turn on a trail and ended up at the bottom of the mountain and had to climb back up not once but TWICE! We should have thought twice about heading down that trail when we arrived at it, as a thin, in good shape young women had just come up it on Cross-Country Skis....she was NOT happy and told us so! We chuckled and I said to hubby as we snow-shoed away from her, if she hates her form of exercise...why does she do it?....an hour later, I certainly could relate to her level of frustration! I was able to take Petey for a nice hike yesterday, he was so happy we were home, he slept like a baby last night.
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