Monday, March 30, 2009

V.P. Activity

Last night it was raining barely hovering around 40 degrees. I had thoughts of heading out to the one vernal pool I monitor and decided I'd rather hit my cozy bed...which I did and ended up watching the movie White Fang. It was one of my favorite books as a kid, and it was one of the reason behind me getting my wolfdog Khan while I was in college. I think I made the right choice last night as this morning I headed out to the Co. Park, very early to see if I had missed the "Big Night" and I'm happy to report, I did not. There has definitely been some evidence of Spotted Salamander activity. Some males must have been congressing, because there were some spermatophores, and a couple of very small egg masses. I was surprised to see that some of the males had been in the puddles surrounding the Vernal Pool, they dry up pretty quickly. If females actually come and take the spermatophores,and lay eggs, I'm going to move the eggs to the vernal pool. They won't survive in the puddles unless we get a lot of rain for the next three months. No Wood Frogs have laid eggs as of yet. A little late this year. The way the weather looks...I fully expect to have a big night towards the end of the week. I just ordered a new rain jacket...hope it comes in time!!

At home...Turkeys, Pine Siskins and lots of Black Birds continue. The Turkeys crack me up...there are four toms that spend all their time here trying to impress the ladies! What a treat to have them only feet from my kitchen window to entertain me every morning.

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