Last night I found out that one of our good friends who was diagnosed with CLL 6 years ago, will now begin to do battle with it. He has remained symptom free all this time. He is an inspiration to me on how best to live your life. He is always happy and upbeat. Always has a huge smile and something nice to say. He is also living one of his life long dreams of playing live music! He put together a band and they are out there playing at bars and winery's. He is living his life to the fullest. The news of his illness surfacing has made me think about how important it is for all of us to live in the moment and fill those moments with as much good as you possibly can. Don't wait to do the things you love, make time for them now. The now is all any of us has.
Some sad news, two of my parent's friends have died in the last couple of days. One was our childhood neighbor, Mrs. Miller. Our home backed up to hers. I grew up playing with her two sons. She was one of my mom's best friends for her entire adult life. She was a wonderful lady, whom I really loved. I have such fond memories of her and my parents having a great time together. She was always smiling and laughing and never had a bad thing to say about anyone. I was on a hike when moms text arrived that she had passed. I sat down on a rock and cried. Even though she was old, her death has me really looking at my life and how I'd like to spend what time I have left. I'm not going to waste any time that's for sure, I plan to be in the moment, find enjoyment each day and the rest will take care of its self.
Gods Speed Mrs. Miller and Mr. Fitzgerald. I hope my dad was there when you arrived, he loved you both dearly.
On a Nature Note: Blackbirds continue at the feeders. Brown Creeper in the Co. Park. Today it was glorious out. The sky so blue and full of beautiful white cumulus clouds. Nothing like the companionship of a great dog to make all in the world seem right. Thankful for my Monty.
Thanks Carol! Life d beautiful!
oops "is"!!!!
You prolly thought I was speaking French! Hahaha!
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