Saturday, April 26, 2014


I was being super lazy today and never got up the energy to walk the dog until just before 4pm today.  The expected rain has started to fall so I grabbed a rain coat from my car and headed up the trail.  I love being in the forest when it is raining.  It feels so peaceful.  I was going to cut the hike short as it was raining harder and for some reason I just continued on.  When ever I get out there I never want to leave.  I walked to the back side of the pond and suddenly the sun came out, it was still raining and I thought to myself, I'm going to get a RAINBOW!  I hurried along on the trail and soon as I got closer to the end of the pond I saw it peeking out of the trees, there it was!  A gorgeous rainbow!  I ran down the hill and onto the field, and enjoyed a magical moment.   It was just amazing!  After I watched the rainbow disappear I headed back to the trail and guess what was in the tops of all the trees.....YES....the Wood Warblers!  Like clockwork they have returned! 

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