Sunday, September 22, 2013

Ask and you shall receive

While out on this mornings hike, I mentioned to hubby that I had not seen a single Box turtle this year. Not 10 minutes later what did I find?  She was well hidden in a tree snag, and I was lucky to see her.  A beautiful healthy turtle ready to hibernate. 

Symbolic Turtle Meanings (from the website
Those with the turtle as their animal totem can relate to the "sure and steady" message this creature brings to our lives.
It is also a powerful totem for protection as withdrawing into it's shell is an amazing self-defense mechanism.
The turtle has few predators, which gives it an innocent energy. This also increases its lifespan, and so holds the symbolic meaning for longevity in many cultures.
Did you know the turtle is one of the oldest living animal ancestors walking on the earth today? The oldest fossils of turtles are dated at over 200 million years old. This is highly symbolic. It indicates the turtle is a symbol of longevity, endurance, persistence, and the continuation of life (sometimes against incredible odds).
-Ever hear of the old adage "slow and steady wins the race."? Not only is the turtle's walking pace sure and steady, but so is its insistence at being a part of biological life on this earth. Something to consider when connecting with the turtle as a guide and mentor in living a dynamic, long life.

Because of its seemingly wide-eyed, long-lived, carefree attitude the turtle is often thought to be the wisest of souls among the animal kingdom. We would all do well to take this as a lesson and move at our own pace as the turtle does.
Furthermore, the turtle takes its wisdom one day at a time - not reacting, simply accepting and moving on in its natural methods. Again, this is a powerful analogy for humankind, and we would benefit from adopting the same behavior pattern.
Turtles share an association with water, which lends meanings of motion, intuition and emotion to the myriad of more symbolic meanings of the turtle.
Avia and Turtle Totem

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