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Daily Raptor Counts: Sep 20, 2013
Species Day's Count Month Total Season Total
Black Vulture 0 0 0
Turkey Vulture 0 0 0
Osprey 2 81 81
Bald Eagle 1 46 46
Northern Harrier 0 11 11
Sharp-shinned Hawk 38 192 192
Cooper's Hawk 3 15 15
Northern Goshawk 0 0 0
Red-shouldered Hawk 4 17 17
Broad-winged Hawk 2684 7105 7105
Red-tailed Hawk 0 5 5
Rough-legged Hawk 0 0 0
Golden Eagle 0 0 0
American Kestrel 5 47 47
Merlin 1 4 4
Peregrine Falcon 1 3 3
Unknown Accipiter 0 0 0
Unknown Buteo 0 3 3
Unknown Eagle 0 0 0
Unknown Falcon 0 1 1
Unknown Raptor 1 13 13
Total: 2740 7543 7543
Observation start time: 08:00:00
Observation end time: 16:00:00
Total observation time: 8 hours
Beautiful sunny day, nearly a cloudless sky. Hazy for the entire day due to high humidity conditions. Light winds out of the S SW. Temperatures ranged from 16c to 31c.
Raptor Observations:
First bird of the day was a adult Broad-winged in perfect plumage. It flew 50 feet from the platform at eye level. Shortly after the Broad-winged passed through heading south, just west of the platform, all of a sudden a half dozen robins erupted out of the tree tops. Flying for their lives, they were being chased by a Merlin. He flew directly behind the platform and into the forest on the east side of the platform. The Merlin was not counted. 1 Adult Bald Eagle came in from the North, but turned around and went back towards the North. 1 Immature Eagle went due South and was counted. 3 Unknown Red-Shouldered Hawks, 1 Adult Red-Shouldered. 3 Unknown Kestrels, 1 Male Kestrel, 1 female Kestrel.
Non-raptor Observations:
Winter Wrens (2) Scarlet Tananger (2) Cedar Waxwing (14) Chimney Swifts (12) Ruby-Throated Hummingbird (1) Male Pilated Woodpecker (1) Eastern Phoebe (2) Catbird (1) Empidonax Flycatcher (1) Purple Finch (1) Pearl Crescent Butterfly, Grey Hairstreak Butterfly, Monarch Butterfly (4)
The change of seasons is upon us. The Fall Equinox arrives tomorrow at 8:44pm. The day and night will be equal and then we will be heading into the darkness. Time to draw inward and reflect upon our lives and how we are living them.
I found the hammock that I purchased for hubby a few years ago, it's never been used.....it is where I am currently laying down writing my blog. I'm able to be outside under the gorgeous clouds and enjoy every last moment of the last full day of Summer. I wish that I could bottle how I feel right at this very moment. A light breeze on my skin, insects, birds singing, gorgeous puffy clouds floating by and not a care in the world.
I will be going to camp next Spring! I'm going to Book a week at Audubon Camp. It's something I dreamed about my entire life, if not now then when?
Tuesday my oldest son leaves for NZ. He will be living and working there for a year. It's so hard to let him go, I'm going to hate having him so far away for so long. I am very proud and happy that he is living the dream and following his own drummer.
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